Christmas at the Fireside


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Christmas at the Fireside Inn:   We usually meet a bunch of friends in December for a Christmas party at the Fireside Inn in Feasterville. This year a couple we met on an island cruise Ray and Maryanne joined the party. Ray is a "Harleyman" through and through. If you saw him walking down the street, you'd not only cross the street but maybe the entire town to avoid him. BIG MISTAKE, you'd make. Ray is such a softee under the Harley skin. Each year he bleaches his hair and beard white and plays Santa Claus for a number of organizations. He and Maryanne even bought an old fire truck so they could arrive in style for his Santa visits.

   December 17, 2004


MaryAnne and Janet                                                                  Ray and MaryAnne

( Click on the picture to see a larger view )


Ray                                                                                      BettyAnne and Ron

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This site was last updated 08/28/05