Growing Up 1


Photo Gallery
Michael and Rachel
Unser Haus
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   It's May of 2006 and I haven't posted any pictures of the kittens for quite some time. We have a jillion pictures of them from the last 5 months (actually we probably have more pictures of the kittens growing up than we do of our children, I like to think that's because digital camera pictures are do convenient and cheap to take, not that we didn't pay attention to the kids as much when they were growing up). It was hard to pick out just a few pictures. These will have to do.

Phoebe with her blanket, Yes her blanket, she likes to nurse on it.

Maggie in her regal pose

Afternoon nap ... ahhh ...what a life   soft couch, warm sun, life is good

Best friends, not just sisters

Too cute !

The bathroom is a popular hangout.
Turn on the water and woosh, she's "outa" there!

Hey ...quiet ... you're snoring.

That's better.


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This site was last updated 05/05/06