Lewisburg 1


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Trip to Lewisburg, PA on the Susquehanna  - July 23, 2005

Janet and I have lived in Pennsylvania our entire lives. We traveled across country, the entire Canada Highway 1 from the Eastern provinces to British Columbia, the west coast from Vancover to San Diego, a quick in-out of Mexico and a bit of Europe. But we've never explored the central part of our home state. This was our first trip into Central PA.

Lewisburg sits right on the Susquehanna River in North-Central PA. It's a quiet picturesque town that we really liked. We took PA Route 15 from Harrisburg, which followed the river all the way to Lewisburg.

The first shop we visited in downtown Lewisburg was the Campus Bicycle and Fly Fishing Center. Now, that was a shopkeeper who knew his community. Bucknell University is in town, the Susquehanna is the town's East border and a couple good trout streams are just West of town.





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This site was last updated 08/27/05