SnowDeer 2005


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This was the first year I put out food for the deer. This is a controversial subject in both developed and non-developed areas. One side of the argument is; that it defeats natural selection, regardless of the the deer being around humans or in the wild, in built up areas it may cause them to loose their fear of man and tend to draw even more deer and subject them to collisons with things like cars. The other side of the argument is that feeding helps the herd to stay healthier by helping them through a particularlly hard winter.

I can add this for last winter. This was the first year the deer were coming within 20 - 30 feet of the house to not only graze on the bird feed on the ground under the feeder but also eating right out of the bird feeder and jumping up and smacking it with their front feet to spread more on the ground. It was interesting to watch how they even rationed the deer food I put out. Instead of eating it all when they came across it, they grazed it and then moved on, to come back later and finish it.

   January 20, 2005

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This site was last updated 08/28/05